Tuesday, April 30, 2013


  1. Simple squamous: endothelial layer of blood vessels, glomerulus of kidney,
  2. Simple columnar: small intestine; brush border, microvilli, goblet mucus cells
  3. Simple cuboidal: proximal tubule, microvilli, collecting duct of kidney
  4. Pseudostratified columnar: respiratory system, all on basement membrane, basal cells = stem cells, goblet mucus cells, ciliated columnar absorptive epithelial cells, true cilia
  5. Stratified squamous: skin, basal layer, light color melanocyte, Langerhans cells (immune)
  6. Stratified cuboidal: salivary gland duct, sweat gland duct 
  7. Transitional epithelia: bladder
  • Parotid gland: pure serous cells
  • Submendibular gland and sublingual gland: mix of serous cells (dark color) and mucus cells (light color)

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