- Inferior labial
- Superior labial
- Lateral nasal
- Angular
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Facial nerve branches
- Posterior auricular nerve
- Temperal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Marginal mandible
- Cervical
Muscles of the larynx
All innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerve, a branch of vagus nerve, except specially listed.
- Aryepiglottic muscle, oblique arytenoid
- Transverse arytenoid
- Posterior cricoarytenoid
- Thyroepiglotticus
- Thyroarytenoid
- Lateral cricoarytenoid
- Cricothyroid: superior laryngeal nerve
- Vocalis
Friday, May 3, 2013
Neurons and Glial cells
- Nissl body: RER, nissl stain
- Axon, dendrite, hillock, Schwann cells, myelin sheath
- Endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium
Cardiac muscle and smooth muscle
- Cardiac muscle:
- Intercalated discs: special desmosomes junction, for structure integrity
- Gap junctions: perpendicular to intercalated discs, on the side of cardic muscles, transmit electricity
- Smooth muscles:
- Dense body, instead of Z line
- Spindle shape
Muscles of pharynx
- Stylopharyngeus: glossopharyngeal nerve
- Salpingopharyngeus: accessory nerve
- Superior pharyngeal constrictor: accessory nerve
- Middle pharyngeal constrictor: accessory nerve
- Inferior pharyngeal constrictor: upper part: accessory nerve; lower part: recurrent laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal nerve
Palate muscles
- Levator veli palatini: accessary nerve
- Tensor veli palatini: mandibular branche of trigeminal nerve
- Palatoglossus: accessary nerve
- Palatopharyngeus: accessary nerve
- Musculus uvulae: accessary nerve
Thursday, May 2, 2013
External eye muscle
- Levator palpebrae superioris:
- Forms levator aponeurosis
- Inserts on superior tarsal plate and skin of upper eyelid
- Oculomotor nerve
- Superior rectus: oculomotor nerve
- Superior oblique: trochlear nerve
- Medial rectus: oculomotor nerve
- Lateral rectus: abducens nerve
- Inferior rectus: oculomotor nerve
- Inferior oblique: oculomotor nerve
Two muscles of the middle ear
- Tensor tympani
- Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
- Reduce chewing sounds and loud noise
- Stapedius
- Facial nerve
- Reduce chewing sounds and loud noise
Differences among skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle
- Skeletal muscle:
- Striated
- Unbranched
- Z line
- Multinuclei, peripheral
- T tubules forms triad at A-I junction
- No gap junctions
- Cardiac muscle:
- Striated
- Branched
- Z line
- One nucleus, center
- T tubules forms dyad at Z line
- Intercalated discs, gap junctions
- Smooth muscle:
- No striated
- No Z line
- Dense bodies
- One nucleus
- No T tubules
- Gap junctions
Two types of skeletal muscle
- Red skeletal muscle fibers:
- Type I
- high myoglobin & mitochondria content
- aerobic
- low ATPase
- slow movement muscle, posture-maintainig muscle
- White skeletal muscle fibers:
- Type II
- low myoglobin & mitochondria content
- anaerobic
- high ATPase
- fast movement muscle: eye muscles, hands, legs
Skeletal muscle
- Sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane), endomysium (CT arround sarcolema), perimysium, epimysium
- Multiple nuclei, peripheral
- Limited ability to regenerate
- Stem cells: satellite cells. Low satellite cell numbers in muscular dystrophy.
Two types of bone formation
- Intramembranous bone formation:
- From mesenchymal cells
- No cartilage formation
- Forms primary spongy bone, spicules, lacunae, osteocytes, skull
- Endochondral bone formation:
- From hyaline cartilage
- Forms long bones, vertebrae, pelvis bones
- Epiphyseal plate: reserve zone, zone of proliferation, zone of hypertrophy, bone marrow.
- Hematopoietic stem cells -> monocyte (from blood or bone marrow) -> osteoclasts
- Osteoclast has multiple nuclei. Eosinophilic, pink.
- Break down bone matrix.
Haversian canal
- osteoprogenitor cells
- osteoblasts
- blood vessels
- osteocytes in lacunae
- circumferential lamellae
- canaliculi between lacunae, gap junctions
- mesenchymal cells -> osteoprogenitor cells -> osteoblast
- Compact bone: solid mass
- Spongy bone or cancellous bone: trabecular, bone marrow
- Bone matrix: osteoid (hydroxyapatite), type I collagen, glycoaminoglycans (GAGs)
- Osteoblasts: secrete bone matrix, basophilic, blue, one nucleus.
Three types of cartilage
- Hyaline cartilage:
- for bone formation
- articular surface of joints, nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi
- hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, keratin sulfate
- high water content, perichondrium
- Rheumatoid arthritis damages articular cartilage
- Uric acid crystals in joints -> gout
- Elastic cartilage:
- type II collagen, elastic fibers
- external ears
- Fibrocartilage:
- type I, II collagen
- intervertebral disk, menisci of knee, attachment of tendons and ligaments
- less water content, no perichondrium
Cartilage Growth
- Appositional growth: outside, increase width
- Interstitial growth: inside, increase length
Cartilage matrix
- Immature: more collagen than glycoaminoglycans (GAGs), acidophilic, pink staining
- Mature: more GAGs than collagen, basophilic, blue staining
- Blood vessels can't penetrate cartilage.
- mesenchymal cell -> chondroid progenitor cell -> chondroblast -> chondrocyte
- Chondroid matrix: perichondrium, stem cells ->> fibroblast, chondroid progenitor cell
- Chondroblast: type II collagen, glycoaminoglycans (GAGs)
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Connective Tissue
- Normal connective tissue: loose CT, submucosa, papillary dermis of the skin; dense CT
- Dense connective tissue: dense regular CT, tendon, bone, cornea; dense irregular CT: dermis, organ capsules
- Specialized connective tissues: bone, cartilage, bone marrow, adipose tissue
- Permanent resident cells: fibroblast -> fibrocyte, myofibroblast (smooth muscle + fibroblast), osteoblast, adipocyte
- Permanent guest cells: macrophages (from monocyte), mast cells (histamine)
- Transient cells: basophils, eosinophils, lyphoncytes, monocytes, neutrophils, plasma cells
- Extracellular matrix: collagen, elastin, fibrillin, fibronectin; proteoglycans, glycoproteins
- Collagen: Gly-X-Y triple helix
- Collagen synthesis: RER (prepro-alpha chain) -> Golgi (hydroxylation, Vc, glycosylation) -> triple helix -> procollagen secreted -> propeptides cleaved -> tropocollagen -> fibrils, lysyl oxidase, Cu+. Scurvy: Vc deficiency -> hydroxylation deficiency. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: collagen, lysine hydroxylase gene mutations, procollagen can't turn into tropocollagen.
- Type I collagen: most, tendon, ligaments, bone, skin, cornea. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: collagen gene mutation; "blue sclera"
- Type II collagen: cartilage, intervertebral discs, vitreous body of the eye
- Type III collagen: reticular fibers, blood vessels, PAS, silver stain
- Type IV collagen: basal lamina
- Elastic fibers: elastin, fibrillin, artery wall, alveolar wall, skin. Marfan syndrome, fibrillin gene mutation on chromosome 15.
- Reticular fibers: type III collagen, lymphatic tissues, bone marrow, liver stroma
- Fibronectin: binds to collagen, etc; cell interactions
- Proteoglycans: glycoaminoglycans attach to a protein core, sulfated residues, "-" charge, attach to hyaluronan by linker protein
- Glycoproteins: laminin (basement membrane), binds to integrins via entactin (link laminin to type IV collagen)
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